Based on our survey result considering their needs and income ability, we have come up with three different food packages to distribute to the needy people in Dhaka city. Any individual or a group of individuals can choose any of packages and provide your support.
Support for 4 persons Family/ 1 Week BDT 850/ USD 10
Support for 4 person family/ 2 Weeks BDT 1700/ USD 20
Support for 4 Person Family/ 1 Month BDT 3400/ USD 40
To create a big impact on the slum deweller’s life we have placed an option to adopt a whole slum. Based on the slum data provided by BRAC we will conduct our further activities and anyone can pick one to feed the inhabitants. Any organization or even individual being a torchbearer can adopt and direct others towards a valued goal
So far we have reached 10 slums and provided necessary goods and commodities to 1000 families. To have a glimpse of how we are working through our partners we mapped out the city slums accordingly is appended below.
1879 Lundy Avenue, Suite 289 San Jose, California 95131
Phone: 501-786-2720